Preparations: You will need to define a pattern that you can tile seamlessly across the work document. Some nice patterns can be found here. Open the pattern file you downloaded and choose Edit > Define Pattern, and close the image. When you wish to use the pattern, select Edit > Fill, choose Pattern from the dropdown, and in Custom Pattern select the image you saved as a pattern. Press OK. | ||
Step 1 – Setting Up Background: Create a document of size 750×550 pixels and apply your pattern to fill it up. Right-click on the layer and choose Blending Options. Check on Gradient Overlay and apply the values shown in the diagram. | ||
Step 2 – Extracting Subject: Next thing to do is to extract your subject out of its background. You can use one of the methods listed here. Place it at the center of the document. | ||
Step 3 – Extracting the Dress: Duplicate your subject layer and name it as camouflage dress. Hide your subject layer for the time being. With the Eraser tool, remove the areas outside the dress. You should get something similar to the diagram. | ||
Step 4 – Blur the Dress: Ctrl-click on the camouflage dress layer to load its outline selection. Add Layer Mask to that layer with the selection. Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur with 5px. This is to blur the details of the dress while retaining its sharp outline. | ||
Step 5 – Adding Highlights: Change the mode of camouflage dress to Screen. You will see the highlights of the dress like the diagram. | ||
Step 6 – Adding Shadows: Duplicate the tiled background layer and name it as shadows. Place this layer under your camouflage dress layer. Ctrl-click on the layer mask of camouflage dress. Select the shadows layer and add a layer mask to it. Using the Burn tool with Soft Round 35px, burn the outline of the dress. Then reduce the size of your Burn tool and add some shadows to the area between the skirt and legs. | ||
Step 7 – Show the Subject: Unhide your subject layer and you shall see her in a nice camouflage dress. | ||
Step 8 – Coloring the Hair: Using the Polygonal Lasso tool, create a selection around the hair. Go to Image >Adjustments >Hues/Saturation. Drag the Hue pointer left or right till you get a nice green hair. | ||
Step 9 – Coloring the Wristbands: Apply the earlier step to the wristband and voila! Click here to view the final image. Hope you will find this tutorial useful. Cheers. |